The village with the little church on the hill
Welcome to the Edingthorpe Village website. Here you will find information about the village, the church and the surrounding area, as well as any local events.
Edingthorpe lies a few miles from the sea in beautiful North Norfolk, and just to the south of the Norfolk Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The area is ideal for walking and cycling along the many ‘Quiet Lanes’ that criss-cross the area.

Facebook : I love Edingthorpe
We are part of the parish of Bacton and Edingthorpe – a link to the parish council website can be found at:
Our Edingthorpe representatives on the parish council are Ian Witham, telephone 01692 650530 and Gill Cullingford telephone 01692 218599 or email
The parish council meets every two months at 7pm at Bacton Village Hall. The meeting dates for 2024 are: Monday 11 March, Monday 13 May – this is also the Annual Parish Meeting, Monday 8 July, Monday 9 September, Monday 11 November.
Everyone is encouraged to attend to see how the council operates or to raise any issues concerning the parish.
Defibrillators – We have been raising funds for a defibrillator for Edingthorpe. If someone in the community has a cardiac arrest, a defibrillator can help restart their heart while waiting for the emergency services to arrive. Anyone can use one, you do not need training. After dialling 999 you are given a code to open the cabinet and clear step-by-step voice instructions are provided.
One has now been installed on the wall of The Bay Cottage, The Green. This is just below the Edingthorpe village sign on the North Walsham-Bacton Road:

We have now gained funding for a second defibrillator, at the junction of Rectory Road and Church Lane, which should be installed shortly.
Land at Highbanks Green– The parish council is responsible for the piece of land between the pond and the houses at Highbanks on Rectory Road. Responses to a recent consultation in the village were broadly in favour of making the area more ‘wildlife friendly’ and for quiet recreation. See more details in the ‘Nature Conservation in Edingthorpe’ section.
Planning applications – The parish council does not make decisions on whether plans for new buildings or extensions should go ahead. That is the role of NNDC’s Planning Department. The parish council is a statutary consultee and any comments put forward are the decison of the council as a whole, but you are welcome to discuss any plans with us, or attend the relevant council meeting.

The Mobile Library visits Edingthorpe at The Chapel, Edingthorpe Green, NR28 9SR, from 1425 to 1445 on Tuesdays, every four weeks.
Dates for 2024: 2 January, 30 January, 27 February, 26 March, 23 April, 21 May, 18 June, 16 July, 13 August, 10 September, 8 October, 5 November, 3 December, 31 December.
A range of fiction and non-fiction books are carried on board, including childrens, and others can be ordered. You will need to have a current library card, available from North Walsham Library. You are invited to visit this important facility, run by friendly and helpful staff, or we run the risk of losing it!
Dial a Ride Minibus Service – Edingthorpe has no regular bus service, but the Dial a Ride Minibus from North Norfolk Community Transport can be booked on Thursdays to collect you from home and take you to North Walsham for shopping or meeting up with friends. This coincides with market day in North Walsham. Pick up time is 10.25am and you will have between 1.5 and 2.5 hours depending on the trip; this will be advised by your driver.
Before your first journey you will need to register, the cost is £10 per year. You then phone the number below to book your journey, any time up to 2pm the day before travel and will be given a confirmed pick-up time.
The return fare is £4.50, children aged 5-16 half fare, under 5s travel free. Cheaper than a taxi! To book a journey or to find out more, phone 01629 500840 or email:
Village Litter Pick
On 20 April, several of us braved the strong northerly wind and donned high-vis jackets to pick up litter around Edingthorpe. Our road verges, currently full of wild flowers, are now litter free and we hope to make it an annual event. Special thanks to Caroline and Keith for organising everything, and to Nigel for tackling the busy North Walsham Road!

The Edingthorpe Village website is edited by Gill Cullingford. Contributions are always welcome. If you find any errors, or wish to have any references or photographs etc. removed, please email